A plugin for hls.js to monitor streaming QoE
This plugin shows statistics on browser’s developer console and sends statistic beacons to a monitoring server.
- QoE (Buffering)
- Initial buffering
- Playing buffering
- Network statistics
- Latency (http head method) to the server
- Chunk download speeds
Console output

Sample output on developer console is the followings:
- Head Latency:14.899999976158142
- HTTP Head method latency to the server (14.8 msec)
- LoadStart:
- hls.js stared to load meta files
- Play:Wed Jul 28 2021 19:18:16 GMT+0900
- User pushed start buttun
- Waiting:0
- A buttering occured at 0 sec
- FristPlaying:169
- Inital buffering time was 169ms
- tos00000.ts,6921.818219324774
- Download speed of tos0000.ts: 6.9KB/sec
- …
- Timeupdate:0.167228
- Play position was 0.167228 sec from start
- …
- Waiting:8.92858
- A buffering occured at 8.92858 sec during playback.
- Timeupdate:8.92858
- Play position was 8.92858 sec from start
- WaitPlaying:15193
- A buffering time was 15.193 sec
- …